Nigel Farage's first speech as an MP descends into chaos as he's heckled by protesters

Nigel Farage, Reform UK leader and new MP for Clacton, reacts as a protester interrupts his presentation of the programme
-Credit: (Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Nigel Farage's inaugural event as a Member of Parliament swiftly degenerated into bedlam, as seven demonstrators were led out of the venue. The Reform UK leader yelled "boring, boring" at those attempting to disrupt his Westminster gathering, while multiple individuals were promptly escorted out.

Some dissidents could be heard labelling Mr Farage as a "racist" and a "bigot". Supporters and protesters exchanged heated words, with security guards clambering over seats to remove the latter group.

Upon the fourth interruption, the leader of Reform UK warned: "You'll do yourself a nasty mate. You'll have a stroke if you carry on like this."

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Mr Farage succeeded in becoming the MP for Clacton in Essex in the general election following seven previous unsuccessful attempts to secure a seat in Commons. Pre-election surveys had predicted an extraordinary 13-seat victory for Reform UK, although actual results now indicate a total of four MPs won, reports the Mirror.

Former Conservative politician Lee Anderson was elected as a Reform MP in Ashfield, while ex-Southampton FC chairman Rupert Lowe wrestled Great Yarmouth from the Tories. Richard Tice, Chairman of Reform, also secured a victory in Boston and Skegness, unseating Tory Matt Warman.

Mr Farage speculated that the party has potential to secure another seat after a recount was requested in South Basildon and Thurrock. If successful, this would place Reform UK above the Greens and Plaid Cymru, each currently holding four seats.