Nikolas Cruz: Parkland shooter suspect ‘repeatedly punched jail guard before stealing stun gun’

Cruz has been accused of killing 17 people in February: Pool/Getty
Cruz has been accused of killing 17 people in February: Pool/Getty

Nikolas Cruz, the man accused of killing 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February, is facing allegations of repeatedly punching a jail guard before taking his stun gun in a fight.

The alleged mass killer is awaiting charges related to the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida earlier this year, where 14 students and three administrators were killed when police say he opened fire with an AR-15.

A police report on the most recent incident indicates that the Cruz had been told not to drag his sandals on the ground while walking around in the dayroom area of the jail holding him. Cruz became agitated by the order, flipped off the officer, and then struck him in the face, according to the report.

He then struck him on the top of his head with his fists, and then grabbed the stun gun, which is known as a “conductive electronic weapon”.

During a scuffle between the two, the weapon discharged. Cruz then repeatedly hit the officer until the official was able to regain control of the weapon and strike the inmate in the face, according to the report. The alleged killer then retreated to a seat, where he was taken into custody.

Cruz waiting for his trial after what was the deadliest mass shooting at a high school in recent history. The 20-year-old faces a potential death sentence should he be convicted on the 17-counts of first-degree premeditated murder, and 17 counts of first-degree attempted murder.

Cruz’s attorney has described his client as a “deeply disturbed, emotionally broken” young man. The alleged shooter himself told a police detective that he had a “demon” in his head, according to interview records.

A judge entered a not guilty plea on behalf of Cruz in March when he was indicted by a grand jury in Broward County.