Nintendo 2DS doesn't have two screens - just one large screen halved by plastic case

Nintendo 2DS doesn't have two screens - just one large screen halved by plastic case

Nintendo announced its new 2DS handheld console on Wednesday, but it didn't emerge until later in the day that the dual-screen-looking device actually sports just one large screen.

The plastic casing essentially "splits" the one screen into twin displays, according to USgamer, making the 2DS a more tablet-like handheld than anything else Nintendo has ever offered.

Nintendo apparently built the 2DS this way to cut costs, because it's clearly less expensive to build a product with one screen and just mask the space in the middle with plastic to create the illusion of two screens.

This also means the top screen is touch-sensitive like the bottom, though it's cloaked in a non-touch sensitive sheet of plastic. Removing the plastic sheet could potentially make the 2DS a dual touch-screen console. But that's a risk only hackers and hardware modders should take.

Read: Nintendo 2DS announced for 12 October release, ditches the 3D and clamshell design

When the 2DS launches in October it will be available in red and blue models. Expect to pay $130. We don't have the final UK price yet, but it should be around £100.

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