Nissan Denies Qashqai Cheated Emissions Tests

Nissan has denied claims that its Qashqai cars were fitted with devices to cheat emissions tests, following South Korean claims it manipulated readings.

South Korea's Environment Ministry has said that it will fine Nissan's South Korean operation just under £20,000 for allegedly manipulating emissions tests on its Qashqai cars, which were made in Sunderland.

The ministry says it will also recall 814 of the vehicles sold since November and file a complaint with prosecutors against the head of Nissan's South Korean operation.

Nissan denies the claims which would draw the Japanese car manufacturer into the emissions scandal, saying: "Nissan does not manipulate data related to our vehicles. The Nissan Qashqai has been correctly approved under Korean regulations.

"Nissan has not and does not employ illegal defeat or cheat devices in any of the cars that we make. Furthermore, following stringent testing and using similar standards to the Korean tests, EU authorities have concluded that Nissan vehicles they tested used no illegal defeat device.

"Although the conclusions reached by the Korean authorities are inconsistent with those of other regulators, Nissan will carefully assess and consider appropriate next steps. Nissan is committed to upholding the law. We are continuing to work with the Korean authorities."

Environment Ministry director Hong Dong-kon said the SUV's emission reduction device stopped operating when the engine's temperature reaches 35 Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), about 30 minutes after the engine began to work, during an investigation of 20 diesel car models sold there.

He told a news conference: "Usually, some cars turn off the emission reduction device when the temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius, to prevent the engine from overheating. The Qashqai was the only vehicle that turned it off at 35 degrees."

When the emission reduction device stopped working, the Nissan vehicle's level of emissions was about the same or slightly higher than that of diesel cars of Volkswagen (LSE: 0P6N.L - news) , which was fined for cheating on emissions tests.

"All auto experts expressed the opinion that it was clearly a manipulation of the emissions reduction device," he added.

In September, Volkswagen admitted cheating emissions tests in the US across its range of models affecting up to 11 million cars.

And last month, Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Motors admitted it falsified fuel efficiency test data for decades.

Nissan is set to become Mitsubishi (LSE: 7035.L - news) 's biggest shareholder after agreeing last week to buy a 34% stake in the company.