No circumstances in which I’d consider being PM again, says Cameron

David Cameron
David Cameron's comments come as Rishi Sunak faces speculation over his leadership - Stefan Rousseau/PA

Lord Cameron has said there are no circumstances in which he would consider becoming prime minister again.

The Foreign Secretary, who left Number 10 in the wake of the 2016 Brexit referendum, said he was “very happy” in his role and called Rishi Sunak an “excellent boss”.

In recent months, Mr Sunak has faced persistent speculation over his leadership, with the Tories languishing in the polls and failing to gain ground on Labour.

Asked under what circumstances he would consider becoming prime minister again, Lord Cameron told Sky News on Monday: “None… I am very happy to be working as Foreign Secretary.

“Rishi is an excellent boss, he knows his own mind, he is always the best briefed person in the room, he has got a phenomenal brain ... it is a pleasure to work for him.”

It comes after George Osborne, who served as Lord Cameron’s chancellor, said the Foreign Secretary was “acting like the British prime minister” on the world stage.

Since Lord Cameron’s shock return to front line politics in November, questions have been raised about whether Mr Sunak risks being upstaged by him.

But the Foreign Secretary poured cold water over such suggestions and dismissed the idea of staying on as Foreign Secretary in a potential future Labour administration should Sir Keir Starmer make such a request.

He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain this morning that there was “absolutely no prospect of that happening” and said: “I’m a Conservative and I’m proud to be working for a Conservative government. I did lead a coalition government, but that’s as far as I’m taking it.”

Lord Cameron’s allies, including Mr Osborne, have previously suggested that he should remain in post because of his international standing and the ongoing geopolitical crises.