‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ at the Bristol Old Vic’s Weston Studio

‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ at the Bristol Old Vic’s Weston Studio -Credit:Danny Kaan
‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ at the Bristol Old Vic’s Weston Studio -Credit:Danny Kaan

‘No More Mr Nice Guy’ at the Bristol Old Vic’s Weston Studio explores the life of Keloughn Douglas, a people-pleasing teacher who hopes to become a successful musician.

Keloughn gave up his dreams of being a big star to become a music teacher. “Music was my woman” he tells us plaintively. He is now stuck as department head in an urban comprehensive with an overfamiliar boss called Cliff, a colleague named Becky who bleeds middle-class microaggressions, and a severe crisis of confidence.

Home life is not much better. Posh fiancée Carmel, whom Keloughn loves but does not seem to like very much, wants him to man-up, get that promotion to be assistant head.

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However, despite the serious themes of this play, there is also lightness, humour and joy brought to the stage by it’s incredibly talented writer, composer and performer Cal-I Jonel.

Things seem to perk up when Keloughn (Cal-I Jonel who also writes both text and lyrics) uploads a song called Cheesecake and Wine that goes viral. An unexpected call from “Young And Thirsty Records” brings a tantalising opportunity for the music industry fame our protagonist always dreams of. As he headlines his first gig he is forced to confront his complicated past and see if he has what it takes to seize his future.

No More Mr Nice Guy is produced by much admired creative collective Nouveau Riche, whose artistic director Ryan Calais Cameron penned the critically acclaimed hit For Black Boys.

Jonel’s blend of storytelling techniques is an eclectic episodic mashup of stand-up, prose, verse, gig R’n’B and rap, sound effects, and physical theatre. He sings beautifully, aided by a tremendous Hannah Ledwidge on drums and Terry Smiles on keyboards. There is much to admire in his writing too, which at its best is witty, fresh, and painfully honest.

To his credit, Jonel eschews any temptation to let his character off the hook. Keloughn emerges as his own antagonist: a deeply flawed and sometimes unlikeable character, unable to acknowledge his failing mental health or ask for help, determined to blame others for his plight.

The final scene in which Jonel takes on his line manager Cliff and the headteacher is breathtaking, and beautifully aided by the wonderful lighting design.

The play addresses the microaggressions that Keloughn faces as a black educator, as well as the emotional toll of caring for his students and living up to familial expectations. The people around Keloughn choose to not see or hear him as his real self, instead wanting to mould him to fit their needs.

No More Mr Nice Guy is an excellently written play, and highly entertaining gig theatre. It’s performed with great skill and charisma and the ending. assured and gritty, feels just right.