No, protesters didn’t set fire to Israel's consulate in Turkey in response to attacks on Rafah

A number of social media accounts started circulating videos in recent days that they said showed violent pro-Palestinian protests in Turkey, held in response to the deadly Israeli army bombing of a refugee camp in Gaza's Rafah on May 26. Some accounts claimed that the protesters in Istanbul even burned down the Israeli consulate. It turns out, however, that the video that they were circulating is actually from last year. There haven’t been any recent mass protests in Istanbul over Israel's strikes on Rafah.

If you only have a minute…

A video showing a fire in the building housing the Israeli consulate in Istanbul has garnered tens of thousands of views on social media in recent days. The posts featuring the video claim that pro-Palestinian protesters set the consulate on fire in response to Israeli airstrikes on refugee camps in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip.

However, when we ran the video through a reverse image search, we discovered that it was actually filmed on October 17, 2023 during protests in Istanbul against the Israeli strike on Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City which had taken place the day before.

The fact check, in detail

Images of fire breaking out at the Israeli consulate in Istanbul, Turkey went viral on social media in the days after the Israeli army carried out an airstrike on Rafah in the Gaza Strip on May 26.

The video shows clusters of people standing close to the building housing the Israeli consulate as the flames spread. Some of the people are brandishing fiery torches.

The post garnered more than 120,000 views and 3,000 likes.

A protest from October 2023

Read more on The Observers - France 24