No, this video doesn’t show Ayatollah Khomeini’s granddaughter wearing a short dress in New York

A number of social media accounts have been circulating a video that they say shows the granddaughter of the former Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, wearing a short dress and no head covering during a visit to New York City. The footage, which has garnered millions of views on X since it was first shared, has outraged many people, who call it hypocritical considering the fact that the Iranian government continues to crack down on any woman who fails to follow a strict dress code, including a hijab head covering. But the video was actually filmed in Los Angeles in 2019 – and doesn't actually show Khomeini’s granddaughter.

If you only have a minute…

  • A video of a young woman wearing a short dress and no head covering – who is said to be the granddaughter of Iran’s late conservative religious leader the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini – has been viewed millions of times since it was posted on X on May 12.

  • It turns out that this video was actually filmed back in 2019 in Los Angeles, California – not in New York as the posts claim. It was filmed during a protest of an event hosted by the National Iranian American Council, an organisation that opposition activists claim supports the Iranian government. There is no indication that the woman pictured is Khomeini’s granddaughter.

The fact check, in detail

The footage was not filmed in New York, as some social media users claimed. And there is no indication that the woman pictured is actually the granddaughter of the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Read more on The Observers - France 24