Noel Clarke blasts ‘horrible lies’ as he sues the Guardian

Noel Clarke  (AP)
Noel Clarke (AP)

Actor and director Noel Clarke has spoken about the “horrible” impact on his life of facing sexual misconduct and bullying allegations, after it was revealed he is suing the Guardian for more than £10 million.

The Doctor Who and Kidulthood star says he was “cancelled” after a series of newspaper articles where 20 women made claims against him.

Clarke, 47, was suspended by Bafta and stripped of an Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema award after the first article in April 2021, and projects he was working on including Sky TV show Bulletproof were abandoned.

The Met police later decided not to investigate the claims, citing a lack of evidence to warrant a criminal probe.

It was revealed this week that Clarke is suing the Guardian, claiming its articles contained “false” allegations and caused “catastrophic” damage to his career.

In an interview with social media star Zeze Millz, Clarke said he has spent two years analysing his past conduct but insists some of the claims against him are “lies” while others are incidents of “mutual banter” taken out of context. Asked about the impact on his life, he said: “I almost went mad.”

Clarke added: “I think there’s moments where I could look back and say ‘you know what, maybe I spoke a bit harsh, or maybe I shouldn’t have been involved in that joke, I shouldn’t have been involved in this conversation’.

“But not in the way it was painted. Not in that predatory, like I’m after women, I’m doing all this. That’s just not me.”

Guardian News and Media (GNM) is defending the High Court claim, and said through a spokesperson: “The Guardian’s investigation was deeply reported and researched, relying on the testimony of 20 women, all of whom knew Noel Clarke in a professional capacity.”

The case had been due to come before a judge this week, but has been delayed until autumn as Clarke seeks different solicitors.

His legal claim was originally made against a host of people, including individual journalists, Bafta, acting union Equity, and his former co-star Adam Deacon. But the claim is now solely against GNM.