Normani's music helped her parents through cancer struggles
Normani's music helped her parents during their cancer treatments.
The 27-year-old singer has delayed the launch of her debut solo album over recent years, after both of her parents were diagnosed with cancer - but Normani believes that her music has actually helped them amid their health struggles.
The chart-topping singer - who first shot to fame as part of Fifth Harmony - told WhoWhatWear: "Honestly, music got them through the cancer treatments.
"I remember being on FaceTime with my mom while she was undergoing chemo and her asking me, ‘How’s the studio today? How’s the music coming?’
"As hard as it was for me to not be with them as much as I wanted to, ultimately, pushing through made the circumstances of the last few years feel a bit lighter for my parents."
Normani recently announced that her long-awaited debut album, 'Dopamine', will be released later this year, and her parents health struggles have actually made her more determined than ever to achieve her goals.
Normani - who starred in Fifth Harmony between 2012 and 2018 - shared: "It was in those moments with my parents that made me realise that I have an opportunity to make an impact in this lifetime.
"I know everything I’ve been through isn’t in vain. There’s always something that God wants me to see in the season. It’s all in service of making me better for all that he actually has in store for me."
Normani is now determined to follow her heart more often.
She said: "I want to be able to sleep at night knowing that I put out my absolute best work. Despite what the world says about it, I put out something that I love and stand behind, especially because it’s taken so long."