North Devon BBQ battle as parties clash over meat and dairy policies

Candidates in North Devon have clashed over the future of the summer barbecue, with Tories claiming they are under threat by Lib Dem plans.

In response, the Lib Dems said a press release put out by the Conservaties was ‘baseless’.

The Conservative Party issued a press release saying that the Lib Dems wanted to reduce the amount of meat and dairy by almost a third and align regulation to meet European Union rules not currently enforced in the UK saying it could force thousands of farmers across the country out of business, putting about 46,000 farming jobs and 76,000 wider supply chain jobs under threat.

Farming minister Mark Spencer said no Conservative Government would ever take such action against the farming community and Selaine Saxby, Conservative candidate for North Devon, said she would fight “tooth and nail” to prevent the Lib Dems plans coming into force.

The Tory release also stated: “The Lib Dems have also admitted that it would move immediately to re-align all farming regulatory standards with the European Union, in what would essentially amount to a re-joining of the dreaded Common Agricultural Policy.

“This would include a return to the greening requirements, the three-crop rule, and a regime of top-down fines imposed on farmers for simply going about their jobs. In addition, Ed Davey and Tim Farron are proposing a 50 per cent reduction in the use of certain pesticides by 2030; this goes further than EU targets and could result in a catastrophic reduction of yields of up to 13% which would put the UK’s food security at risk.”

Selaine Saxby, Conservative Candidate for North Devon, said: “Our farmers in North Devon are vital to our local economy and have helped shape our beautiful countryside for generations, but the Lib Dem plan to reduce meat and dairy by a third would decimate them. I will fight tooth and nail against these plans.

“A Government that mandates a third less meat and dairy consumption, is a government that supports a third of British farmers going out of business. This will be devastating for our farmers and our countryside.

“I am proud to be a regular consumer of Great British produce, and I want to see the farming industry supported- be that by supporting the continuation of the badger cull, protecting the agriculture budget, or fighting against these daft schemes to reduce meat consumption.”

Farming Minister, Mark Spencer, said: “This is just a taste of things to come. With the Liberal Democrats proposing to devastate the meat and dairy industries, and Welsh Labour mandating tree planting over food production – not to mention Labour-run Oxford City Council completely banning meat from all internal events last year - it is only a Conservative government that will stand up for British food and farming.

“No Conservative Government will ever seek to destroy our farming sector or tell the great British people what they can and can’t eat.

“A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for Labour, and neither party can be trusted to protect our farmers or enhance our food security.”

The Lib Dems say plans to reduce meat consumption were ‘not part of our plans’.

They added: 'The Conservatives’ botched deal with the EU is also contributing to food shortages and high food prices, and severely damaging farmers’ and fishers’ ability to export to their main markets in Europe' and that we would 'Give Britain’s farmers the ability to trade with our European neighbours with minimal need for checks by negotiating comprehensive veterinary and plant health agreements.'

“Above all, our policies in this manifesto have farmers at the heart of it. We're committed to a major £1bn a year in investment to support British farmers and are the only party to do so.

“And on the comment on sewage, as Devon Live reported in March, recent Environment Agency figures showed an 83% increase in 2023 on sewage discharges into local rivers and waterways.”