North Staffordshire school told to improve as 'too many pupils' miss lessons

Too many pupils are missing lessons at a North Staffordshire high school, inspectors have found. Reducing absence rates is one of a number of improvements Westwood College, in Leek, has been told to make by Ofsted.

The school received an overall rating of 'requires improvement' following an inspection in May, after previously being rated 'good'. Inspectors say that absence from school is preventing a 'significant number' of children from achieving their potential, with 'too many' missing school unnecessarily.

Westwood College is aware of this issue and the need to engage with pupils and parents 'as a matter of urgency'. Ofsted rated Westwood College as 'requires improvement' in all areas, apart from the sixth form, which was still found to be 'good'.

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According to the inspectors' report, the school has designed a 'highly ambitious' curriculum, and new policies have brought some improvement in how pupils learn. The inspectors also found that some teachers use assessments effectively to check what pupils have learnt.

But they say that there are frequent times when teachers do not check pupils' understanding carefully enough, which is limiting the progress they make.

And while the school quickly identifies children with special educational needs and disabilities, some SEND pupils do not receive effective support to fully meet their needs.

The report states: "The school has not precisely evaluated which actions are the most effective in addressing the school’s shortcomings. For example, the school does not have a good enough understanding of why the progress of disadvantaged pupils is not as strong as it should be.

"Similarly, concerns around some pupils’ attendance are not as well understood as they could be. However, governors and trustees do have a secure awareness of the importance of safeguarding and well-being. The school has implemented a clear well-thought-out professional development programme for staff. The school consults staff about policy changes and carefully considers staff workload, which staff are appreciative of."

Westwood College, which has 780 pupils, is part of the Talentum Learning Trust, after converting to an academy in 2016. Talentum Learning Trust say it has drawn up an action plan to address the issues raised by the inspectors.

A spokesperson for the school said: "Though we're aware that the inspection captures a 'snapshot' of the school over two days, we remain focused on the continued improvement in the quality of education for our students. To that end, we’re excited about the changes already planned for the next academic year to give pupils the best opportunities and experiences."

A spokesperson for the trust added: "Ofsted conducted an inspection at Westwood College on the 21st and 22nd May 2024. The report which followed recognised the 'improving environment to learn in' found at Westwood College and the 'purposeful atmosphere around the school'. It recognises that 'pupils behave sensibly' and that 'pupils speak positively about the support they receive'. We were pleased that inspectors recognised that 'warm and respectful relationships characterise life at this school', and that pupils feel 'happy and safe'.

"That said, we are determined to reflect on the areas identified by inspectors to secure rapid and sustained improvement. The trust has already drawn up and began to enact an action plan to accelerate development at the school. We are committed to supporting the implementation of a new feedback and assessment strategy, improved student attendance and consistent work with all students in the classroom.

"We are confident that these actions will bring all year groups up to the standards in the Sixth Form which was graded as 'good', with inspectors commenting on the confidence of students and the high-quality teaching that they observed across the curriculum."