Northumberland boy finds 'world's longest chip' measuring at over 10 inches

Oliver Baty, 9, from Northumberland, finds the world's longest chip, measuring at over 10 inches.
-Credit: (Image: SWNS)

A nine-year-old from Northumberland has found what could be the world's longest chip, which measures at over 10 inches. Oliver Baty found the gigantic chip when helping his mum Donna make dinner at their home in Pegswood.

Falling out of a bag of McCain frozen oven chips that the family bought from the nearby Morrisons in Morpeth, the chip was quickly recovered by Oliver, who measured it at an exact length of 10.3 inches (26.2cm). Dad Scott, 43, who runs a mobile catering company, said: "Oliver was hovering in the kitchen waiting for dinner.

"Donna emptied a bag of chips into the air fryer and one just stood up like a totem pole. It was so massive Donna couldn't close the fryer lid.

"Oliver just grabbed it and ran into the sitting room and put the chip on his shoulder and it was bigger than his head. He said 'it must be a world record' so we measured it and couldn't believe it was 26.2cm long.

A chip measuring over 10 inches, found by Oliver Baty, 9, from Northumberland.
A chip measuring over 10 inches, found by Oliver Baty, 9, from Northumberland. -Credit:SWNS

"We thought it might be two chips stuck together but we examined it and it was definitely one very, very long chip. I've never seen anything like ours, you can imagine the size of the potato it came from, it must have looked like a rugby ball.

"We Googled previous big chips and this is definitely longer than the others. There was one guy who had one that was supposedly 18 inches but I think that was fake."

Oliver, who is in Year 5 at Newminster Middle School, is refusing to eat his record-breaking chip, and is keeping it safe in the freezer. He said: "I couldn't ever eat it as It's too precious."

The family have now contacted the Guinness World Records in order to verify the chip as a world beater.