Northumberland Coast walled garden which was 'lost for generations' set to reopen

Cresswell Walled Garden
Cresswell Walled Garden -Credit:Cresswell Pele Tower CIO

The historic walled garden in a Northumberland coastal village which has been "lost for generations" is set to reopen in June.

The 200-year-old triangular walled garden at Cresswell was once the pride and joy of the family which gave its name to the village. In its Victorian heyday, it was a corner of six acres of kitchen gardens, and provided exotic fruits, vegetables, and flowers to the residents of the now-demolished Cresswell Hall.

However, for generations it has been little more than a "wilderness", overgrown, unloved, and unrecognisable from the patch of land where peaches and pineapples once grew in a micro-climate protected from the chill of the North Sea winds. But an ambitious restoration by the Cresswell Pele Tower Charitable Incorporated Organisation clocking up hundreds of hours from 20 volunteers has focused on getting the garden back to its former glory.

The garden's restoration was first mooted seven years ago when the charitable organisation started work on restoring Cresswell's Grade-II listed 14th century Pele Tower, which was at the time classed by Historic England as one of the country's most at risk ancient buildings. They have since turned their attentions to the garden, and with funding support from the National Lottery, Northumberland County Council, CELL and Parkdean Resorts, they have transformed the garden, carrying out the restoration as faithfully as possible in line with its original design and layout.

The central area of the garden has been cleared of overgrown vegetation; new lawns and footpaths have been lain; three pergolas have been built along with a gazebo which is planned to accommodate outdoor music and entertainment; a small pond has been dug to attract wildlife; and raised beds have been created to grow vegetables and herbs that would have been popular in Elizabethan days.

Cresswell Walled Garden
Cresswell Walled Garden -Credit:Cresswell Pele Tower CIO

Alongside apple and pear trees, there is also a newly-planted medieval orchard of unusual fruit varieties such as mulberries and greengages, along with tree nuts including filberts, hazelnuts, cobnuts and almonds.

Steve Lowe, volunteer co-ordinator, said: "We have planted flowers, fruit and vegetables that would have been grown by Victorians whilst the greenhouse has been re-built on its original footprint to make the restored garden as authentic as possible. Even two gardeners’ bothies have been rebuilt and restored just as they would have been all those years ago."

Barry Mead, local archaeologist and trustee of the Cresswell Pele Tower CIO, said: "In a way the restoration of the garden has been like a voyage of discovery. When we first started work we had to spend many hours clearing back vegetation to even enable us to find the original footpaths and layout of the garden."

"Many of the volunteers have been local residents, but others have joined in from neighbouring communities as well as visitors staying at two local caravan parks. Together, they have met one or two mornings a week and at weekends, to weed and replant flower borders and keep the garden neat and tidy."

L-R: Steve Lowe, Barry Mead and Philip Hood
L-R: Steve Lowe, Barry Mead and Philip Hood -Credit:Cresswell Pele Tower CIO

Philip Hood, chair of trustees and author on a book about the walled garden, called the restoration a labour of love. He said: "None of what has been achieved would have been possible if it were not for our marvellous volunteers.

"However, all the hard work has been worthwhile when we hear visitors telling us that the garden really has that ‘wow’ factor. Our walled garden is back to its absolute best and going forward it is going to be a true community asset that Creswell can be so proud of and that people will be freely able to enjoy as a place of real beauty, peace and tranquillity."

The Cresswell Walled Garden will be officially opened by retired Labour MP Chris Mullin on Sunday, June 2, and the garden will then be open to visitors from 2.30pm onwards.