'We are not corrupt' says council after 'shocking' planning decision

A Leicestershire council has said it is "not corrupt" after being heavily criticised for a decision it made on a hugely controversial vast warehousing plan. More than 2,600 objections were raised against the planning application for the scheme, called Enderby Logistics Hub, before Blaby District Council's planning committee decided to approve it.

The decision last week was a major blow for residents who had spent years fighting against it due to fears it would clog up their roads, disturb their peace and concrete over the last remaining green space between Enderby and the city. In the wake of approval being given, objectors took to social media to express their anger - with some suggesting the council had acted in an underhand manner.

In response, the authority posted a statement online saying that while it understood the decision had led to "some" people being disappointed, and was aware that there was "ill feeling" about it, its staff and councillors were "not corrupt", and due process and planning law had been followed.

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A plan for the four large warehouses and a training centre to be built next to the Enderby Park and Ride site, off St Johns, was submitted by developer Drummond Estate and Invernock Trust in October last year. That application was refused - a decision that was met with delight at the time from those who had long campaigned against it.

A new plan was then submitted for the original four warehouses plus three general industrial buildings. That application was approved by the council's planning committee last week, on Thursday, June 13.

The decision led to objectors venting their anger on private and public Facebook groups. One person posting on a public group said: "Some serious pocket lining gone on here." Another said: "This needs investigating."

The district council defended itself against the criticism in its own public post, in which it stated: "We understand that the decision to approve Enderby Logistics Hub has led to some people in the community being disappointed. While we understand that there is ill feeling about the decision taken by planning committee, please be assured that Blaby District Council’s staff and councillors are not corrupt, due process and planning law was followed.

"While passionate debate is expected on social media, we ask those discussing and debating in their community groups to please express their views respectfully. We are all human beings, and no one should be subjected to personal attacks, abuse or threats. Thank you for your understanding."

The post prompted another outpouring of comments from frustrated opponents to the hub. One wrote: "But why allow such a development knowing full well all the implications this will have on the surrounding communities, road infrastructure, pollution? Clearly no one is really listening to the people."

Another posted: "I don’t think a figure of 2,660 could be described as ‘some’ people! You must surely understand why people are suggesting it’s corrupt when nobody can fathom why a development opposed by so many residents, that will have such a huge negative impact on the community, was approved. It beggars belief."

"Do any of the councillors that voted for this actually live or work in the affected area?," a resident added. "I’d guess not or else you would see first hand already how bad the traffic and pollution is. Shame on you Blaby District Council."

A fellow poster said that while they did not agree with claims the council was "corrupt", they did find the decision "incredible". They wrote: "Definition of corruption. Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offence which is undertaken by a person or an organisation which is entrusted in a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's personal gain.

"From my understanding there was nothing corrupt in the decision of the BDC Planning Committee. However, the decision is incredible in view of the level of evidence presented by community groups and individuals' objections."

A member of the Snub The Hub campaign group wrote: "Hello guys, We are all very shocked by today's result, and it truly shows that money will always come first, above air quality, emergency response times, legally protected species (it's easier to kill badger cubs than deal with them, right?) and even YOUR vote.

"I have spent the past year (as part of Snub The Hub) comprising a huge audit which shows the alarming realities this hub will create. This project was sent to the planning committee way in advance, and with this knowledge, they still passed it all."

The application was for outline permission only, meaning the scheme has been approved in principle. The precise details still need to be submitted to and approved by the council.