'Not rocket science' as Cornwall housing targets fail to make a dent in crisis

A new study is looking into whether the new houses being built in Cornwall have made a difference to the housing crisis
A new study is looking into whether the new houses being built in Cornwall have made a difference to the housing crisis -Credit:Greg Martin / Cornwall Live

An academic is set to launch a study on the housing crisis in the county - but readers in our comments section reckon they already know what the solutions are, and say "it's not rocket science". Professor Malcolm Williams, from The Institute of Cornish Studies at the University of Exeter's Penryn Campus, believes the thousands of new homes Cornwall has been told by various governments it must build appear not to have made much of a difference.

Housing developments are a common sight across Cornwall, as the council chases a 2030 target of 48,645 new homes. Professor Williams says: "In Cornwall we have been building houses like there is no tomorrow but in spite of that we still have this massive housing crisis. It doesn't seem to be helping the crisis of affordability and availability we see in the Duchy."

A survey is due to launch in the coming weeks, and the results later in the year will be used to influence the policymakers at Cornwall Council. "We want to know who lives in those new houses," says Williams. "We want to look at the new housing developments from the last 10 years across Cornwall and look at these people's stories, where they come from, whether it is from within Cornwall or outside the county."

Commenter Yerboys writes: "Don't need a study. It's simple, most of the hundreds of houses being built go to outsiders. Even in the days of council housing a young couple would not score enough points to have house. It would go to someone from a city that could score more points on needs basis. So a young local couple have always had a battle to get a house. This has compounded the situation for years." Yerboys argument seems somewhat flawed as social housing in Cornwall is not given to people with no local connection, although homes here are often bought by those from elsewhere.

User 16Fairfield says: "Houses are like everything else, they are normally built for and sold to those who can afford them. I agree that scarce social housing should be given preferentially to locals (I am unsure if that is legal), but it does need to be means tested (not for life), not for sale, and with a proper contract so 'bad apples' are easily removed as sadly council housing has/had a poor reputation. People should not be stigmatised for living in good social housing." Obviously social housing is 'means tested' in that it only goes to those who can't afford their own.

Different kinds of housing are part of the answer, FredaHarris thinks: "Surely the time has come for more small affordable apartments to be built, rather than traditional three bedroom properties with front and rear garden patches, plus a garage that is too small to house any modern car."

Kernowmaid67 writes: "Some offer shared ownership which is a scam. Oh yeah, you get a cheaper mortgage, but you still need to find the rent for the shared portion on top every month, but it ticks the boxes that makes them sound 'affordable'."

Commenter Tp1810 simply says: “Well, no one can afford them, that's the issue, it's not rocket science.”

Would building more flats help to solve Cornwall's housing crisis? Comment below, and join in on the conversation.