Nottingham life hacks including free parking and a class that's 'best thing about the city'

Generic picture of people walking in Nottingham City Centre
Tips include free drinks and cheap travel -Credit:Nottingham Post/Marie Wilson.

We often like to think we know everything about the place we live. The best places to eat and drink, the nifty shortcuts and where to pick up a handy bargain.

But in reality, there's always much more we don't know. And in a place like Nottingham, it couldn't be more the case.

Luckily, the friendly members of one of its online communities have put together a handy list of hacks - most of which we hope you don't already know. Whether it's free tea or coffee, cheap travel, or access to "the best thing about the city", Nottingham's Reddit page has you covered.

Here are four handy hacks.

Free hot drink from Waitrose

With any purchase from the supermarket, customers can enjoy a free coffee or regular tea from the self-serve machines at Waitrose. Those interested in a free beverage will have to bring their own reusable cup to take it away with.

To make the most out of the deal, one user suggests buying a cheap item like a banana.

Free train station parking

Instead of battling with taxis in the five-minute layby by the south entrance, drivers can use the multi-storey car park on Queens Road.

It’s open 24/7 and has 512 parking spaces. Tickets only need to be validated if motorists plan on staying over 30 minutes

Travel within a tram zone for £1.50

To claim this deal, commuters will need to purchase a single short-hop ticket. These can be bought either from the tram stop vending machine or by using a contactless bank card at a validator.

When using a contactless payment method, tapping both on and off is necessary to access the cheaper fare. It can only be used when travelling within one of the nine zones.

Moving into another zone will cost an adult £3.20. It's important to remember to pay for a ticket before boarding the tram, as being caught without a ticket could result in a £70 fine.

Open night at Hackspace

Every Wednesday at 7pm, Nottingham Hackspace opens up to the public to give prospective members free tours of the equipment. Located on Roden Street, Hackspace has communal tools and resources for a range of interests including electronics, laser cutting, 3D printing, robotics, filmmaking, hardware hacking, and computing.

According to their website, rule zero is 'Do Not Be On Fire'. The second is that only those over 18 can join.

Reddit members praise it as having “nice vibes” and being “the best thing about [the] city”.