Nutrition expert says £1.80 'superfood' can stave off dementia and inflammation

Dr Federica Amati said evidence is 'really good' blueberries are a great fruit to add to a daily diet
-Credit: (Image: dr.fede.amati/ Instagram)

A nutritional expert has spoken about a ‘superfood’ which is said to contain minerals and vitamins which can help stave off dementia and inflammation. Dr Federica Amati, a nutritional scientist affiliated with the Zoe health app, spoke out on Instagram about that favourite fruit - blueberries - which can be bought in Tesco at £1.80 a punnet.

Dr Amati said there was ‘really good’ evidence that adding them to your meals would bring health benefits - but explained that people should not think eating some blueberries while carrying on with their normal diet will solve everything. She said: “Blueberries are touted as some superfood that we should be consuming every day. I have to say that evidence is really good, that blueberries are a great fruit to add to your daily diet. But it’s important to remember that we have to have a diversity of plants, so enjoy your blueberries, but make sure they’re not your only fruit that you’re eating.”

She explained some of the benefits of blueberries include: “High in fibre - great for your gut health, high in helpful plant chemicals called polyphenols. Blueberries are especially high in anthocyanins which are protective for our nervous system and blueberries are a great source of vitamin K - important for heart health and healthy blood clotting.”

Speaking previously Dr Amati has said the fruit can help with the menopause - and said changing their diets in the 50s can help: “Women typically post-menopausal in their 50s, we know that colourful berries like blackberries and blueberries really help with managing symptoms.”

In terms of stopping dementia the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet during middle age found to be about 17 per cent less likely to report memory loss and other signs of cognitive decline decades later. In their study of 5,116 women published last year in Alzheimer’s & Dementia journal, researchers from New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine suggested that the diet — which includes high amounts of plant-based foods and low amounts of saturated animal fat, salt and sugar — may help to improve cognitive function later in life.

Meanwhile, the Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurogenerative Delay diet combines elements of two healthy approaches - with blueberries a key part. “It emphasises lots of leafy green veg, such as spinach and kale, and darker berries including blackcurrants and blueberries because they are high in antioxidants that can prevent cell damage,” the nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert said.