NYU ‘student’ at anti-Israel protest praises North Korea for supporting Palestinians

A young woman was filmed at a New York University anti-Israel protest over the weekend praising North Korea’s support for Palestinians and their “shared struggle” against oppressors — with the “deranged” and “deluded” viral clip sparking fierce backlash online.

The footage, which was shared on X by the @thestustustudio account and has already been viewed more than 2 million times — showed the unidentified woman giving an apparent “teach-in” Saturday about North Korea’s solidarity with Palestinians.

“They have always upheld the right of Palestinian people to self determination and resistance and this is beyond moral and rhetorical support,” said the woman, who the original poster identified as a student, of North Korea — which has been ruled by a ruthless dicatorship for decades.

Online footage of a young woman at an NYU protest praising North Korea for its support of Palestinians has already been viewed more than 2 million times — and sparked fierce backlash.
Online footage of a young woman at an NYU protest praising North Korea for its support of Palestinians has already been viewed more than 2 million times — and sparked fierce backlash.

“The DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] has actively armed and trained Palestinian resistance for decades,” she continued, referencing a slew of groups including the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

“So while the US is here training the [Israel Occupation Forces] with police, North Korea is training Palestinian resistance forces.”

Elsewhere, the woman, who covered her face with a mask, declared that North Korea has “actually never recognized the state of Israel” — prompting a lone cheer from someone watching on.

North Korea is currently ruled with an iron fist by Kim Jong-Un, its latest dictator who hails from a long line of family despots and is considered a dangerous nut.

“Between Koreans and Palestinians, like, of course there’s this shared history of violence and repression, but more than that with a common oppressor, we have a shared struggle and we have a shared history of resistance — and that is like what mostly connects Koreans with Palestinians and the Palestinian struggles,” the anti-Israel protester said.

“This is proof our current movement for Palestine cannot stop at a ceasefire. Like, Korea shows us that a ceasefire is not enough. The US is still at war against North Korea and so we see that in both of these situations we have to go above ceasefire for the liberation of the people,” the woman said.

Protesters chant slogans and hold placards and flags during a demonstration march through NYU last week. ZUMAPRESS.com
Protesters chant slogans and hold placards and flags during a demonstration march through NYU last week. ZUMAPRESS.com

The string of clips prompted immediate outrage — with many ripping the woman’s praise of North Korea as “deranged thinking.

“’North Korea is better than the United States because they train Palestinian terrorists’ says the NYU student,” GOP Queens Councilwoman Vickie Paladino tweeted. “Any educational institution that produces this kind of deranged thinking should be completely dismantled. These are not the good guys.”

Tina Forte, a Republican campaigning against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for New York’s 14th Congressional District, also chimed in, tweeting, “Wow. Real shocker here to see the Pro-Hamas crowd applauding North Korea. Perhaps they should move to North Korea to experience first hand how wonderful it is! #EnjoyNorthKorea.”

New York Post columnist Piers Morgan bluntly declared, “So dumb … so deluded.”

Veteran UK journalist Andrew Neil added, “The stupidity of the brainwashed knows no bounds. But I thank her for confirming that one Hamas’s foremost allies is the most repressive, basket case dictatorship in the world. By their friends shall ye know them.”

One person raged, “Yes, it has now come to this: at NYU, they are glorifying the regime of North Korea.” while another wrote, “If you’ve already made the moral leap of supporting Hamas, why wouldn’t you celebrate the great revolutionary courage of those noble comrades in North Korea?”

The Post reached out to NYU about the footage Monday but didn’t hear back immediately.