Officers investigating ‘naked cyclist’ charge man

Officers investigating a ‘naked cyclist’ seen in Fareham have charged a man <i>(Image: Google)</i>
Officers investigating a ‘naked cyclist’ seen in Fareham have charged a man (Image: Google)

Officers investigating a ‘naked cyclist’ have charged a man following a string of reports about indecent exposure.

The incidents allegedly involved a man on a bike  in Fareham. They are said to have happened between September 1 last year and June 27 this year in the Lower Quay area.

Now Danny White, 37, of Knowle Avenue in Knowle has been charged with exposure.

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He was remanded in custody to appear at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court today.

A spokesperson from Hampshire Constabulary said: “We want to reassure the community that we take reports of this type of behaviour seriously and encourage anyone who has experienced this type of incident in their local area, or anyone acting suspiciously, to contact police on 101.

“You can also report information to us on our website at

“Dial 999 if a crime is in progress.”