Ola Jordan reveals plan to win I’m A Celebrity

Former Strictly Come Dancing star Ola Jordan has revealed her plan to become this year’s Queen of the Jungle.


And no – she hasn’t been living on a strict diet of kangaroo testicles and witchetty grubs for the past six months. Her cunning gameplan rather unsurprisingly involves bikinis.

The 34-year-old spilled the beans on her plot to the Daily Star, revealing she’s packed SIX different sets of swimwear for the show’s obligatory raft of gratuitous under-the-waterfall sequences.

However, despite being more than willing to take a shower in front of millions of people on national TV, the ballroom dancer reckons she’s actually rather shy. Obviously!

“I’m not as confident as people think,” she explained. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m not the most confident girl in the world.


“People say, ‘Oh, you dance in skimpy costumes on Strictly so you must be confident.’ But I’m not. I’m a confident dancer; but I’m not necessarily confident when my body is concerned.

“How do you wash your bits in there? That’s what I want to know?”

No idea, Ola.

Anyway, despite the Polish star’s gameplan, I’m A Celebrity bosses will be more than a little alarmed at her plans to QUIT the show if the pressure all gets a little to much for her.

“If I hate it, then I will leave,” she admitted. “I will walk if someone is rude to me or I was being pushed to my limit.


“If I hate it, then I will leave,” she admitted. “I will walk if someone is rude to me or I was being pushed to my limit.

“I’ve never been in a situation like this before. I suppose it will be quite hard, but I really don’t know what’s going to happen. Unless you’re in there, you don’t know how you’re going to react.

“It’s totally different to Strictly. I’ve never slept outside. I’ve never done anything like this. I’d like to see how much I can push myself. I would like to say that I’m brave, but I don’t know.

“I can handle people. It’s the creepy crawlies that I can’t handle.”


Er, sounds like just the show for you, Ola!

Tune in to ITV1 at 9pm tonight if you want to see how she copes with it all.