Onlookers Amazed by Seal Running Amok in Aussie Town

A large seal captivated onlookers when it came ashore for an adventure in the town of Point Lonsdale in Victoria, Australia, on January 20.

Footage by Isabelle Tolhurst shows residents gathering for a glimpse of the massive animal, identified as a male southern elephant seal by the ABC.

According to Tolhurst, the seal climbed the stairs from Springs Beach in Point Lonsdale and made its way out onto the street.

“There was a lot of excitement,” Tolhurst told Storyul. “The elephant seal is huge, and it’s rare to see them up close, so I think it was a pretty special experience for onlookers.”

The mammal drew a large crowd and smashed two windows at a service station, according to Australian media.

According to the ABC, wildlife workers guided the seal back to sea as police officers kept onlookers at a distance.

The outlet said the seal was believed by some residents to be Henry, a popular seal known in the area, but other residents disputed this, saying Henry has not been seen in 15 years. Credit: Isabelle Tolhurst via Storyful

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