Only players with incredible vision can spot hidden frog within seconds in puzzle

A woman looking confused at her computer
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/Tetra images RF)

Test your powers of observation with this challenging brainteaser.

It's no secret entertaining puzzles are beneficial for your brain health? Puzzles are excellent for honing logical thinking, pattern recognition, and perception skills. Moreover, high levels of cognitive activity can even help to delay the onset of degenerative diseases such as dementia.

So if you're seeking a way to give your brain a workout today, why not have a go at this puzzle? The brainteaser was posted on a Reddit forum which sets people one simple task - locate the frog. It sounds straightforward, but when you scrutinise the image you'll discover it's much more difficult than it initially appears.

The picture depicts a babbling river scene, complete with crystal clear water and several rocks of various hues. Some of the rocks are submerged in water, while others protrude above the surface.

Somewhere within the image, however, hides a "sly" little frog - and it's your job to find it as swiftly as possible.

This tricky puzzle first appears to be focused on the flashes of green along the right side, however upon closer inspection, it's actually leaves and other bits of foliage. Puzzlers are on the hunt for a frog.

Spoiler warning for those still searching!


On the left-hand side right in the middle of the image, you will find the elusive frog. Clinging onto an angular rock protruding from the water, the frog sports a combination of black and brown hues.

Have your eyes adjusted to its presence now?

As always, players reacting online to the puzzle shared their triumphs and troubles. A few declared immediate success with comments like: "No zoom required for this one, my eyes went straight to it."

While there were also praises for the masterfully hidden amphibian, with one participant sharing: "Found him! Sneaky little frog," and another divulging: "Having just spotted two frogs in my pond, my sensors were attuned and I went straight in there!"