Only those with a seriously high IQ can spot the blue cheese in under 15 seconds

Give it a go! -Credit:888casino

A new brainteaser has just been released which is dedicated to one of the most popular foods in the UK - cheese.

Brainteasers are a great way to keep your brain active throughout the day and can also put your lateral thinking skills to the test through via different puzzles.

A statement on Mindvalley reads: "Lateral thinking is a form of problem-solving that utilizes a more creative, less direct approach to the problem. Analytical, logical problem-solving encourages vertical thinking, which is an approach we’re often taught when dealing with math equations. Lateral thinking is the indirect approach. It helps us view problems in an entirely new light. It helps us find unique, creative solutions we might never have before imagined."

The statement adds: "The brain is neuroplastic, meaning it has the ability to shift and change over time. Many people believe our brains age as we do, growing less powerful, less capable, and less competent over time.

"What most don’t realize, however, is that you have the ability to manipulate your brain the way a sculptor molds clay. The brain is susceptible to all we expose it to—people, music, work— and even the physical environments we traverse on a day-to-day basis. Everything we partake in has the potential to subtly shift the wiring of our brain."

The Mirror reports that the team at 888Casino have now shared a new brainteaser that challenges people to spot the blue cheese among the various cheeses.

Give it a go below:

Give it a go! -Credit:888casino

Struggling to find it? Look at each individual cheese and remember you are looking for a small piece of cheese that is different to the rest.

If you're still searching then stop scrolling down as the answer is about to be revealed.

If you spotted the blue cheese in less than 15 seconds, you beat the average time taken to solve the challenge.

How did you do? -Credit:888casino

Still looking for more brainteasers to quench your thirst?

Why not give some of our other puzzles a go - including this one that challenges you to figure out these children's book riddles.

Or, give this other puzzle a go where you have to find the seven white cue balls in a sea of other colours in just 20 seconds.

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