This Is The Order You're Actually Meant To Clean Your House In

If your home is anything like mine, it’s way, way overdue a deep clean.

But working out where to start (and in what order) can be hard ― so it’s a good thing we got some sage advice from the experts over at method and Ecover.

So, we thought we’d share their eight steps for a sparkling home (and the order you’re meant to do it in, per their pros:

1) Prep and plan

“Firstly, you’ll need to get your equipment and products in order. A vacuum, broom, mop, cloths and sponges are all essential,” the pros said.

“For the products, list out what you’ll need room-by-room and see where you’ll be able to buy in bulk or minimise using multiple products – it’ll save on time and money.”

2) Declutter

We all know that cleaning is different to tidying ― and you can’t do one without the other.

It “sounds obvious, but getting rid of items that no longer serve purpose will reduce the amount of work that needs doing... and will also free up space – rather than simply letting unwanted items sit gathering dust. In turn, your home will look a whole lot tidier,” method and Ecover advise.

3) Make a game plan 

“Segmenting the [clean] per task type (e.g. dusting, sanitising and vacuuming) can make it feel a whole lot more manageable,” the experts explain.

“Another handy tip is to start by cleaning high, then going low,” they add.

“Overhead fixtures that we sometimes forget about, like lighting and ceiling fans, are prone to dust build-up and usually don’t get cleaned as often – and when they do, the dirt and grime will sprinkle down to the floor and surfaces below them.”

4) Start with the kitchen 

“Understandably, the kitchen is one of the highest ‘touch’ areas in the house and therefore one we’re more likely to clean regularly – meaning half the work should (hopefully) already be done,” the experts recommend.

“Start by removing all food, products, crockery and other equipment from drawers, cupboards and other surfaces, to give yourself a decluttered, blank slate for the kitchen deep-clean.”

They add that you should clean your higher-up objects before moving and cleaning appliances.

5) Then, tackle the loo

“Again, start high then go low, before moving your attention to blitzing and disinfecting the shower, bath, and toilet,” the pros say.

“Pay special attention to under the rim of the toilet and the back of the toilet bowl, as these can often be forgotten in your more regular cleaning routines. Given it’s a deep clean, repeat the spray-leave-wipe technique several times for optimum results. Once you’ve blitzed the bathroom, finish with an antibacterial spray and wipe all-over just to get rid of any lingering germs.”

6) Get going on the rest of the house 

This should be done by task, not room, the experts suggest. 

“When it comes to bedrooms, hallways, and the rest of the house, save time and avoid chopping-and-changing between cleaning products and equipment by tackling them task-by-task, as opposed to room-by-room,” they advise.

“Don’t forget the overlooked areas too, like door handles and skirting boards.”

7) Save your floors ’til last 

“For hard flooring, like wood and tiles, start with a deep vacuum and thorough sweep – ensuring all corners, tight spaces and hard-to-reach areas that you may usually turn a blind eye to are covered,” the pros shared.

“So, finish up with a thorough mopping, ensuring you use a product that’s safe for the type of flooring.” 

Right, I’m off to get scrubbing...
