Oscar Isaac opens up about ‘excruciating’ experience filming X-Men: Apocalypse

Oscar Isaac opens up about ‘excruciating’ experience filming X-Men: Apocalypse

Oscar Isaac has opened up about his experience filming X-Men: Apocalypse, which he previoulsy called “excruciating”.

The actor played the villain in Bryan Singer’s 2016 supehero flop, wearing blue makeup and prosthetics to bring the character to life.

Isaac told GQ in 2018 that he it was the makeup and prosthetics that detracted from his enjoyment of making the film as he “didn’t know when I said yes that that was what was going to be happening”.

The actor discussed the experience in a new interview with The New York Times, who asked him if he would go so far as to “disown” the movie.

“No, I don’t disown it,” Isaac said, adding: “I know exactly what I went in there wanting to do and the reasons why. There were these amazing actors involved that I really wanted to work with, [James] McAvoy and [Michael] Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence. I collected X-Men growing up, and I loved Apocalypse, I just found him such a freaky, weird character.

“And then you get there and you’re like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve got all these prosthetics on. I’ve got a suit on. I can’t move. I can’t see anybody. All these actors I wanted to work with – I can’t even see who they are.’”

Oscar Isaac under a huge amount of prosthetic in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (20th Century Fox)
Oscar Isaac under a huge amount of prosthetic in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (20th Century Fox)

Isaac said that he “still thinks back to that time with fondness,” stating: “I wish it would have been a better film and that they would have taken care of the character a little better, but those are the risks.”

The experience didn’t scare him off superhero projects. He currently stars in Disney Plus’ Marvel series Moon Knight, the finale of which will arrive on Wednesday (4 May).