Oscars 2023: Why the Red Carpet Isn’t Actually Red

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences rolled out the Oscars red carpet Wednesday during a traditional event that hosted media, crew, show insiders and host Jimmy Kimmel. Returning for his third outing as host, Kimmel came quick with the jokes upon seeing that the red carpet this year isn’t actually red.

“I’m thrilled, I’m honored, I’m excited, mostly about the carpet. I mean, this carpet is so beautiful. It’s a remnant, we got it for a very good price downtown,” quipped Kimmel of the carpet that measures 900 linear feet. “People have been asking if there’s going to be any trouble this year, is there going to be any violence this year? I certainly hope not. But if there is, I think the decision to go with a champagne carpet rather than a red carpet shows how confident we are that no blood will be shed.”

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Turns out the decision to break with tradition for Hollywood’s most iconic red carpet had nothing to do with last year’s headline-making slap but instead with mixing up tradition and figuring out how to more seamlessly transition from daytime arrivals to an elegant evening setting, per red carpet creative consultant Lisa Love. It’s also a pretty big change as far as carpet colors go. Per Academy researchers, the carpet has been some shade of red since the 33rd awards in 1961, when a red carpet was first used outside the entrance to the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.

Veteran Met Gala creative director Raúl Àvila joins Love as a red carpet creative consultant, with the two charged with reimagining the Oscars’ “red carpet aesthetic and guest experience,” per the Academy. Love, who served as West Coast editor of Vogue for nearly 30 years, and Àvila are making their Oscars debut working alongside Samer Jannen, Àvila’s design team partner, after having led the creative team for the 2021 and 2022 Academy Museum galas.

Below, Love tells The Hollywood Reporter about the direction they received from Academy CEO Bill Kramer, how many shades of champagne were considered and where she will be during the telecast.

Jimmy Kimmel Carpet Rollout
A look at the 2023 Oscars’ champagne-colored carpet for this year’s arrivals.

For the Oscars, your [and Àvila’s] titles are “red carpet creative consultants,” a role that makes you responsible for reimagining the Oscars red carpet aesthetic and guest experience. What does that mean? How much freedom do you have?

Bill Kramer gave us a lot of freedom. He basically said that we need to turn this event from a day event into the night. That’s always been something that the Oscars has had a problem with ever since it’s started because it begins so early in the day with the sunshine and the heat, but everybody’s dressed up for a night event and they are there at 4 o’clock. This is my first year at the Oscars. I’ve never been to the Oscars before, so this is a new beginning.

How is it going so far?

It’s been so much fun. I love new challenges. I love the idea of trying to create a change from day into night, and that was really the focus. Sometimes it’s hard to make changes, but it seems like everybody is willing to attempt that this year.

We’re speaking on the heels of the debut of one of those changes, with the red carpet color switching to champagne. What was the process to settle on a champagne-colored carpet?

We had to first come up with the tent and what color that would be. In order to block the light, that had to be a darker color. You’ve seen it as a sienna or saffron-colored sienna, which connotes the color of sunset. Where do you see the sunset best? From the sandy beaches with a glass of champagne in your hand. This is about getting ready for the golden hour that follows the show.

What does it take to get the design approved?

The design gets submitted and either gets approved or changes can be made along the way. Of course, you know, there are many different elements to consider, from fire marshals and police, old ways and new ways, sponsor ways. It goes through a conversation and it’s great. Some people have been doing this for years and it’s amazing how incredibly helpful they are, because we are just newbies here.

How many shades of champagne did you pore over?

We pored over around five shades of carpet. There are a couple of shades on the carpet before you get into the actual carpet where the photographs are taken. It starts off darker and then gets lighter as you get through to the final tent.

What other changes did you make to the aesthetic this year?

We just did the carpet this year, and we’re going slowly. It’s the first year we’ve been there: Raul, Samer and I. We will be on the carpet to see how it worked this year. There will be other changes, but those will be a surprise.

The Academy made it clear to press and working media that everyone should wear black-tie with black or dark-colored suiting and dresses. Was that something you were involved in, in terms of creating an overall aesthetic?

The black-tie experience actually is for everyone. The experience of being at one of the most glamorous events in the world is that everybody should also be part of the story. So, everybody on the carpet, regardless of if they’re there as a guest, a presenter, a nominee, a host, if they’re working, should experience the elegance of the evening in that they’re part of the show.

You have such great taste and always look so chic. What will you be wearing?

I will also be in black and wearing what my team is wearing.

Lisa Love
Lisa Love at W’s recent soiree at the Chateau Marmont.

Being that you’ve been involved in some of the biggest events in the world, like the Met Gala, what has been the most surprising or the most challenging thing for you about working for the first time on the Oscars?

Honestly, it didn’t seem challenging. It seemed exciting and fun. It’s different from fashion events because it’s very unique and special. It’s the Oscars and that’s the most important. But I was surprised by the vastness of the organization and the amount of people who work on it. It’s a huge event. That’s probably the only thing that I did not quite fully realize because when you watch it at home, you don’t know how many people it takes to build this event.

After the carpet, will you go inside and have a seat for the show?

After the carpet I’m done and will be coming home to hopefully watch at home, where I will have prerecorded everything.

No parties for you?

Not this year. I’m on an airplane at 8 p.m.


To a place I cannot mention.

Jimmy Kimmel Carpet Rollout
A look at the 2023 Oscars champagne-colored carpet.

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