Oslo airport closes due to heavy snowfall

OSLO (Reuters) - Oslo's main airport closed for safety reasons on Wednesday due to heavy snowfall in Norway's capital region and many train services and other public transport also faced severe delays or cancellations, operators said.

The Oslo airport said it will remain shut at least until 1330 GMT but the outage could also be extended.

"This is extremely rare... there is so much snow that the pilots can't see the lights on the ground so we've halted all incoming and outgoing flights," said a spokesperson for Norway's national airport operator Avinor.

"Safety comes first, the spokesperson added.

Avinor said it asked passengers to monitor information from their airlines for additional information.

Train traffic in parts of eastern Norway also stopped on Wednesday due to the weather conditions, train operator Bane Nor said in a statement.

(Reporting by Terje Solsvik in Oslo and Louise Breusch Rasmussen in Copenhagen, editing by Essi Lehto)