Paralympic gold medallist opens new state-of-the-art pool at Basildon school

The Basildon Academies Trust opened its newly refurbished Lower Academy swimming pool on June 24 <i>(Image: Basildon Academies)</i>
The Basildon Academies Trust opened its newly refurbished Lower Academy swimming pool on June 24 (Image: Basildon Academies)

A PARALYMPIC gold medallist was invited to a Basildon school to open its newly refurbished pool.

The ceremony marked the completion of a six-month refurbishment project at Basildon Lower Academy which now has “state-of-the-art facilities” and “eco-friendly features”, according to the secondary school.

Paralympian Danny Crates led the ribbon-cutting event and held a talk and Q&A session with students following the event.

The gold medallist said: “It was a great privilege to officially open the refurbished pool at The Basildon Academies.

“Sport, recreation, fitness and wellbeing, has always played a significant part in my life.

“Seeing the pool, which I have to say is more as you would expect to see at a high-end health club rather than a school, gives the students the opportunity to engage in sport and activity, at whatever level works best for them.”

Danny Crates (Image: Basildon Academies)


The makeover included comprehensive upgrades to both the pool and changing facilities.
Gary Smith, CEO of The Basildon Academies Trust, said: “The previous facilities were over 50 years old and in need of a huge upgrade.

“The work undertaken represents a significant capital investment project from our trust.

“The new state of the art pool and changing facilities will ensure that our current and future students, along with our local community and clubs, are able to enjoy swimming here for another 50 years.

“I would like to thank our own Academy Operations Team, along with Centurion Leisure, Academy Estates Consultants and Herronway Ltd, for all their efforts and expertise in completing the project.”

The academy entrusted the task to pool experts, Centurion Leisure, and construction firm, Herronway Ltd.

The Basildon’s new facility was praised by Elite Swimming.

Alex Stewart, founder and managing director of the Billericay-based Elite Swimming Club, said: “We are thrilled with the results of the refurbishment.

“The new pool offers a warm, inviting atmosphere and is now one of the most impressive facilities in Essex.”