Paramedic's career ended for moving a friend's car while over the limit

Mount Road, Hinckley
Woolridge was pulled over in Mount Road, Hinckley -Credit:Google

A paramedic told a court she had been trying to stop her friend from drink-driving when she was caught driving a BMW while over the limit herself, leading to her losing her career. Beth Woolridge was out with friends in Hinckley town centre when she was arrested.

Leicestershire Police officers happened to be watching her as she made her way to her friend's car, got into the driver's seat and drove off very slowly, failing to signal at junctions. When she was pulled over in Mount Road, Hinckley, Woolridge failed a breath test and was arrested.

At Leicester Magistrates' Court on Friday (April 12) she pleaded guilty to drink-driving. The court heard her breathalyser reading at the police station was 61 microgrammes of alcohol per her 100ml of breath - the legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

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The 40-year-old represented herself in court and told the magistrates her career as a paramedic was over. She told the court more about the incident, which happened at 1.35am on Friday, March 29.

Woolridge, of Waveley Road, Coventry, said: "I'm deeply sorry. I'm a paramedic so I've been on the other side of this and would never try to put someone in harm's way.

"It wasn't my car. It belonged to a friend who was trying to attempt to drive so I said I'd move it around the corner. I'd never have done it if I believed I was over the limit."

She said she planned to move the BMW about 50 metres to the next street. She said: "It's not just the loss of my job. It's the loss of my career."

Woodridge was banned from driving for 17 months and ordered to pay a £672 fine, a £269 victim surcharge and £85 court costs.