Parent 'disgusted' with raw sewage leak at children's play park

Sewage leak at Springdale Park <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
Sewage leak at Springdale Park (Image: Submitted)

TOILET paper, used sanitary products, and faeces were seen littered across a play park following a sewage leak.

Val Jay from Broadstone took her two children to play at Springdale Park in Broadstone following Springdale First Schools sports day on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Val said: “We had to cut our visit short as my child ran straight through the leak and there was mud all up my daughters back.

“As much as they like a paddle on a hot sunny day, I was disgusted to see all the toilet paper and even a used tampon!”

The family left the park soon after. However, Val said she was worried about her children picking up an infection from the bacteria.

She said: “With everything going on at the moment with E. coli and outburst of infection it is very concerning.

“It is horrible and not safe; it is not something you want your child to come in contact with.”

Springdale Park is a popular hangout for children and parents from Springdale First School- according to Val.

She said: “All the children go there; it’s basically a second school for them. Most parents bring their kids here.”

When the school breakup for the summer holidays there is a tradition that the pupils and their families visit the park for an end of school celebration.

“The kids all love to play in the park on the last day of term, but if the sewage is not cleaned up, imagine what that will cost to all of them", she said.

“If someone gets infected, they could pass it on, and there will be an outburst of sick children.”

A Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council spokesperson said: “We were made aware of an issue at the Springdale play area yesterday, which was also reported to Wessex Water, who attended the site to clear the blockage and cleanse the surrounding area.

“Wessex Water is responsible for maintaining the public sewer network, so if any residents have further concerns, they can report them online at”