Parents of 30,000 kids in this Greater Manchester borough are struggling to make ends meet. Will anything change?

-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)
-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)

Oldham has some of the highest child poverty rates in the UK. More than half of all kids across the borough are living below the poverty line.

The parents of just short of 30,000 youngsters are struggling to make ends meet. Many are missing out on basic necessities like school clothes - and meals.

Along with a lack of housing and the cost of living crisis, it’s one of the biggest issues affecting the area. So what are Oldham’s election candidates promising to do about it?

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The constituency of Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton has the third highest level of child poverty in the country. Oldham East and Saddleworth has the eighth highest figures, according to data published by End Child Poverty Coalition.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service asked every candidate in the two constituencies what they would do. This is what they said...

Liberal Democrats ‘would offer 9,000 more free school meals and improve social care’

Earlier this month, the Oldham Lib Dems promised to expand the free school meals program to all primary school children, starting with low-income households. This would see 9,250 more kids in Oldham receiving free lunches if the Lib Dems came to power, according to local leader Howard Sykes.

Coun Sykes said: “This is about creating a level playing field at school so that every child has a fair opportunity to thrive. No child should be going hungry in Britain in 2024.

Just short of 30,000 youngsters in Oldham are living under the poverty line.
Just short of 30,000 youngsters in Oldham are living under the poverty line. -Credit:PA

“When you give children a healthy start in life, every pound you spend saves money on healthcare and benefits in the long run.”

Speaking for both Hannah Kitching and himself, the local Lib Dem candidates, Sam Al-Hamdani added: “Child poverty is also linked to mental health challenges. So, we want a mental health worker available in every school so that every class has access.

“We also want more support for the wrap-around care in schools. You’re getting people who are just falling in-between the cracks, particularly looked-after children. It’s those children who are worst affected. So we’d want to see improvements to funding around social care too, to support those children who are most in need and who there are more of in Oldham than in other places.”

The Conservatives want to ‘give millions of people the fulfillment of employment’

On behalf of both Conservative candidates, Tom Fish and Horatio Lovering, a spokesman said: “The Conservative Government have lifted 1.1 million people out of absolute poverty since 2010, including 100,000 children, and our unprecedented cost of living support prevented millions from falling into absolute poverty.

“We know work is the best route out of poverty, and thanks to our actions, there are nearly 4 million more people in work than when we entered office, wages have risen faster than prices for the past eleven consecutive months, and the National Living Wage we introduced has been boosted to record levels, benefiting millions of people on the NLW by an average £1,800 this year alone.

“While Keir Starmer’s black hole in Labour’s spending promises would cost every working family £2,094 in higher taxes, the Conservatives are sticking with the clear plan and taking bold action to give millions more people the security and fulfilment of employment and a brighter future for children across the country.”

Some candidates have linked child poverty rates to the lack of job opportunities in Oldham.
Some candidates have linked child poverty rates to the lack of job opportunities in Oldham. -Credit:BPM MEDIA

Labour want to 'ensure no one is left behind' with free food parcels and breakfast clubs

Debbie Abrahams, candidate for Oldham East and Saddleworth said: "Just as we did under the previous Labour Government, we will lift children out of poverty.

“Under a new Labour government, we will have a cross Government approach to tackling child poverty with an ambition to stop the need for free food parcels – for starters we will provide free school meals to every primary school child, implement child health plans, and raise education standards nationwide by investing in teachers and their development.

“For Oldham, this means every primary-aged pupil will be able to attend a free breakfast club, receive a quality education, and have access to GP and dental services. But our support doesn't stop there.

“I am committed to build on the work of the Oldham Fairness Commission I set up and ensure a support network for parents and carers, ensuring no one is left behind. I will continue my fight for fairness, to reduce energy bills, and make quality, affordable housing available to all.

“Every child in every family deserves the best start in life and I will fight for this for Oldham children and their families."

Many candidates have promised to expand free school meal programs.
Many candidates have promised to expand free school meal programs. -Credit:Andrew Teebay

Jim McMahon, Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton candidate, said: “This is a scandalous indictment of 14 years of Conservative rule, which has left us with the need for free school meals rising, homelessness increasing, and living standards falling. By contrast, the last Labour government lifted nearly 1.5 million children out of poverty and presided over a 69 per cent drop in statutory homelessness from 2003 to 2010.”

The Green Party would ‘push for free, organic and sustainable school meals’

On behalf of both candidates, a spokesperson from the Green Party said: “Elected Greens will push for all children to have a daily free school meal, made from nutritious ingredients and based on local and organic or sustainable produce and free breakfast clubs for children to Year 6.

"We would also:

  • Through our tax and welfare reforms, ensure everyone has sufficient income to make healthy sustainable food choices.

  • Restore the role of the school nurse, ensuring that all schools have access to an on-site medical professional, who would be able to spot and support children with nutritional/poverty related issues.

  • Give children and students at all state funded schools and colleges access to a qualified counsellor."

The Workers Party want to ‘stop the curse of child poverty' with free travel and better housing

Shanaz Saddique, who is standing for Oldham East and Saddleworth, said: "The Workers Party believe every child should be fully supported during their school years. We pledge to support Britain’s children through free public travel arrangements across the country, mirroring those that currently exist for children in London by.

Teachers have reported a rise in kids being sent to school without breakfast or lunches
Teachers have reported a rise in kids being sent to school without breakfast or lunches -Credit:PA

"Furthermore, we will support the provision of free and nutritious breakfast and lunch meals during term time to all children in school without means testing. We believe in caring for the next generation and will incorporate lifelong learning into the work agenda to ensure school leavers can continue to develop new skills.

"Child poverty is a curse which stops children reaching their full potential. We need real change not Labour and Tory fake change. Addressing the housing crisis low pay and low skills will help our children to a brighter future. As your MP I will champion these issues.

"Bring new jobs to Oldham and Saddleworth. Begin to work with various sectors to build new homes that are fit to live in, including social housing initiatives to end the homelessness that deprives children of a decent start in life.

"Finally, I will campaign for more teachers and school assistants and challenge the council to end the saga of leaking school roofs that has seen your children either sent home or studying in school corridors."


Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton

Tony Wilson said: “I blame Government policies for child poverty e.g. spending cuts. There are national policies making the situation worse. The UK is the fifth richest country in the world, and it's astonishing we have such high levels of child poverty. Poverty is such a blight in children's lives, casting a shadow over the rest of a child's life into adulthood. We need a benefits system that prioritises children. I believe the two-child benefit cap should be scrapped. Reinstate the banker's bonus cap.”

Zaffar Iqbal said: “I am deeply concerned about the levels of child poverty in the constituency. This has been a persistent problem in Oldham as highlighted in many reports and compounded by this governments’ policies and neglect. Unfortunately, the Labour Party will maintain a large number of the current government’s policies. For this reason, I as an independent, not bound by party politics or looking for ministerial positions, will be championing my constituents, highlighting our challenges and bringing agencies together to solve problems on the ground.

Kids playing with ball
An estimated 4.3 million children are living in poverty, according to Action for Children. -Credit:PA

“ I am committed to comprehensive measures to support school children facing poverty. These include:

  • Child Tax Credit: Ending the Two Child Limit on child tax credit. This policy disproportionately impacts the poorer segment of our society.

  • Universal Free School Meals: Ensuring all children from low-income families receive free school meals to combat hunger and improve academic performance.

  • Increased School Funding: Campaigning for additional funding for schools in Oldham to provide the necessary resources, support staff, and services.

  • Policy Advocacy: Contributing to national policies that address the root causes of child poverty, affordable housing, fair wages, and social security reforms”

Oldham East and Saddleworth

Nick Buckley said: “I have spent decades working in the poorest areas of Greater Manchester, including parts of Oldham, and understand the generational poverty trap. We must ensure that as a compassionate society, we help those in need, especially children. As a nation, we must start the conversation of why so many people find themselves living in poverty. We are a rich country with many opportunities on offer. Why are these opportunities missed by so many people?

“Our one-size-fits-all education system is partially to blame for if you are not academically gifted then you feel like a failure, and this can result in a life on benefits. We need to promote aspiration and self-worth. Every one of us is valuable and has the potential for greatness, we need to nurture it. We do not buy people out of poverty, we have to educate them out of it.”

Paul Boots Errock said: “I entered politics with a genuine desire to make a difference. What’s going on is breaking my heart. Child poverty is best tackled through proactive measures. According to statistics 40,000 people are not working (some of which have never worked)”.

“The default option of most politicians is to put taxes up, but it often adds to the problem. Most alarming are our locals council’s spending records."

Councillor Arooj Shah said: “I’m glad to see that Oldham Council lives rent free in this particular candidate's head."

The LDRS reached out to the remaining candidates - Jacob Barden and David Silbiger from Reform UK and independent Raja Miah but received no reply.