Parents left 'mind-blown' after realising nappies show when they're actually wet

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Realising when to change your baby's nappy for just a wee can be challenging for parents, yet all along they've had a wetness indicator on the nappies.

Changing mucky nappies might not be parenting's more glamorous side, but it certainly is part and parcel of the journey. Most parents know the drill: sniffing their kiddie's nappy for any signs of soiling or sneakily checking for dampness. Now it has been revealed there is a simpler method to determine whether your bubba used their nappy - a fact many didn't know until now.

New mum Carrie Hope Fletcher, who is an actress, author, and YouTuber, shared this surprising nugget on TikTok recently after discovering it herself. The performer, well-known for her roles in Heathers the Musical and Cinderella on the West End, admitted she was unaware about the hidden indicator present in nappies that signal when they're dirty.

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Assuming there will be "people out there who didn't have this information prior to becoming a mum", she felt compelled to spread the word. Carrie explained: "Nappies have a wetness indicator. There is a yellow line that turns blue when your child has peed, so there's no guessing game about whether they need changing or not. If they've pooped, you can smell it, that's the dead giveaway, but if they've peed, this yellow line turns blue."

However, it's worth noting not all nappies come equipped with wetness indicators. For instance, Carrie pointed out that Kit & Kin, a brand known for avoiding chemicals in their nappies, do not include this feature. Yet, brands like Pampers and Fred & Flo do have them, as the mum-of-one mentioned.

In the comments, it became apparent Carrie was far from alone in her lack of knowledge about this handy nappy feature, having previously relied on physically checking by removing the nappy. "This IS brand new information (for me)," exclaimed one user.

Another parent chimed in: "My daughter is seven and I didn't know this." A third revealed: "My partner is a single dad and he said he knew this! Mind-blown as I never knew this." And another added: "I am a childcare worker and only learned this when I started working."

Some commenters noted, however, the wetness indicator is typically found on smaller sizes and tends to disappear as the sizes increase. "Until they get to size 3 and you're back to guessing," one person lamented. "Only up to size 3 (I think) for most brands though," another confirmed.

Were you aware of this? Drop us a line in the comments section below.