Parents rage as school tells pupils not wearing a blazer they'll get lunch last

A school has sparked outrage by telling students they would be last in line for lunch if they weren't wearing their uniform blazer.

Bishop Vaughan Catholic High in Swansea has been accused of going too far by irate parents. The school displayed a sign in the dining area that read: "Not wearing your blazer?

"You cannot join the queue until those wearing blazers have been served and you have your note. You can always get a note from "engage" so you can always purchase food."


Parents have slammed the poster as "ridiculous" and "wrong", arguing that it amounts to denying children food. The school has since removed the sign and issued an apology, WalesOnline reports.

One parent said: "The message home said they were not denying kids food and no note means no meal, so if kids can't/won't go to "engage" that means they are denying them food."

Another said her daughter "forgot her blazer and did not want to go to "engage" so a friend shared their lunch with her . I'm sending her in with a packed lunch from now on."

The high performing school, which has more than 1,000 pupils, risked losing goodwill with another parent to say: "I always try to support the school but I honestly think they have got it wrong this time."

Today the school said in a statement: "We are sorry about the concern this poster has caused and it was quickly withdrawn. Our intention was to remind pupils and parents of how important our school uniform policy is but we accept on this occasion the poster was inappropriate and pupils were admitted to the canteen as swiftly as usual on the day."

"Bishop Vaughan always ensures that all pupils have sufficient time to access break-time snacks or lunch and at no time has any pupil been denied food.."

Bishop Vaughan states its strict uniform policy on its website. The website says: "Parents/guardians and students are respectfully reminded that if you choose to come to Bishop Vaughan it is important you follow the requirements in respect of school dress and appearance."

And it goes on: "High standards in these areas support the school's high reputation. Students failing to meet this expectation, without good reason, cannot expect to be allowed into their classes for lessons. Repeated failure to cooperate quickly becomes defiance of school authority and there is the likelihood of serious sanctions."

In her welcome message on the school's website headteacher Emma Pole says: "We place emphasis on high standards in all areas of school life."

The voluntary aided school in the Morriston area of Swansea takes pupils aged 11-18 and was rated good across all five areas by Estyn at its last inspection in 2018. It says in its prospectus that its navy blue uniform blazer with logo is compulsory. It is worn with grey trousers or skirts.