Parking tickets you don't have to pay according to expert - and can 'go in the bin'

A parking ticket
A parking ticket issued to a car by Coventry City Council. Penalty charge notices are rising. Picture by LDR Tom Davis. Permission to use. -Credit:No credit

Returning to your vehicle only to find a parking charge notice can be incredibly frustrating. However, according to one expert, certain parking tickets "can go straight in the bin".

Lucia Ariano, a video reporter for Which?, shared in a social media video that people can contest a parking ticket if the signs are unclear, if the charge exceeds £100, or if there's a valid reason such as ill health or a car breakdown.

She further explained that if the parking company isn't a member of an accredited trading association - either the British Parking Association or the Independent Parking Committee - the fine can be disregarded. Lucia stated: "[The company] won't be able to get your details from the DVLA to make you pay."

If the parking company is accredited, she advises writing an appeal letter and including evidence like photos of poor signage and proof of any mitigating circumstances, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Official bodies, such as councils and the police, can issue parking tickets, which usually need to be paid. Which? provides free sample letters for anyone wishing to appeal a parking ticket on its website here.