Parsons Green: Video shows flaming bucket linked to explosion on Tube

A video has emerged showing a flaming white bucket thought to be linked to an explosion on a London Tube train that has left many people injured.

Commuters fled in terror after a blast sent a “fireball” and a “wall of flame” through a packed train at Parsons Green in south-west London.

Police have said the incident is being treated as a potential terror attack.

Read all the latest updates from Parsons Green here

Eyewitnesses reported seeing several people hurt and “covered in blood” after a “flash and a bang” on the District Line Tube in West London.

Emergency services including armed police rushed to the scene at Parsons Green station after being alerted at around 8.20am on Friday.

(Click the images below)

Police have not given details about the suspected cause of the explosion but the incident comes with Britain on high alert after four terror attacks in 2017.

The official threat level currently stands at severe – meaning an attack is seen as “highly likely”.


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