All the parts of UK set to see temperatures rise 20C in scorcher next week

All the parts of England set to see temperatures rocket 20C in a mini-heatwave have been revealed. Temperatures will drop to 1C at times on Tuesday in Scotland, with the Highlands worst-hit, while West Dunbartonshire and Stirling will see lows of 3C on Saturday.

But by next week, these areas could experience 17C highs. It means the average temperature of Scotland at this time of year - 10.3C - is nearly double. The North West of England expects temperatures in the mid-teens too, and the south of England expects around 15C.

The maps have been published by InMeteo, with the Met Office outlook for Monday to Wednesday reading: "A dry weekend for most with sunny periods on Saturday, then generally cloudier on Sunday. Isolated showers on Monday. Winds easing and feeling a bit warmer, though still chilly overnight."

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Highs of 16C and 17C are the maximum expected in England next week. Oli Claydon, spokesman for the Met Office, said: "It could be May into June that we meet the heatwave threshold as there's nothing to indicate it sooner.

"There is some pleasant weather forecast this weekend for many, which will be a boost after unsettled weather recently." Mr Claydon continued: "We have still got a showery picture this week. Then high pressure will return for the weekend, so it will feel very different on the weekend to what many are experiencing now.

"The best weather on the weekend will be in the south and the west as these areas will hold on to the brighter and sunnier conditions for the longest. We are looking at highs of 16C or 17C." The BBC Weather team said: "The next week remains uncertain but there are some signs that high pressure to the west or north of the UK is holding, which could lead to calmer and drier weather, particularly in the north and west.

"Near average temperatures are expected for much of the UK."