Passenger Catches SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch From Plane Window

An airplane passenger on a flight approaching Orlando Airport, Florida, on July 14, spotted the launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Dragon resupply mission bound for the International Space Station.

SpaceX said on its website that the Falcon 9 Dragon had launched from the Kennedy Space Center at 8:44 pm Eastern time and was expected to dock with the International Space Station on Saturday, July 16.

The Falcon 9 launch of Dragon is the 25th cargo resupply mission to the ISS. Credit: @lancer_squadron via Storyful

Video transcript


- Whoa! Do you see that glowing bright light?


- Yeah, I see it.


- Another one coming at us.

- That's an airplane.


- Where'd it go?


- Yeah, I see it.

You can see it.