Passengers forced to flee as bus bursts into flames

30 firefightrers tackled a blaze after a bus burst into flames. The bus was driving down Richmond Road, Twickenham, London when smoke emerged.

The bus stopped, and all the passengers got off the vehicle. Nobody is believed to be injured. Paul Buckley, 58, from Twickenham, was walking down the street when he saw the bus on fire.

He said: "I wasn’t on the bus, I was just approaching as the people had just got off the bus. People on the bus told me that cars behind were tooting them and it went up in flames and went up quickly.

"The bus was a third or so full - there were a dozen passengers on board."

Five fire engines including 30 firefighters were called at 1:18pm on Saturday to tackle the blaze. The diesel double decker bus was destroyed by the fire and the cause is under investigation.