What's An Olympic Moment That Still Lives In Your Head Rent-Free?

Every four years, all eyes fall on the Olympics, where the greatest athletes compete against one another for the coveted Olympic gold medal. This year, the Summer Games will be in Paris, where new memories and history will be made.

People are seen in front of a building with large Olympic rings displayed on it. The image depicts a sports-related scene. Names of specific individuals are not provided
Martina Rigoli / Getty Images

I want to know from the BuzzFeed Community, what is an unforgettable Olympics moment that has stayed with you?

For example, the moment you witnessed an athlete that was the true definition of greatness, and maybe even inspired you to follow the sport.

Simone Biles smiling and holding a gold Olympic medal close to her face
Laurence Griffiths / Getty Images

Maybe you watched a race so close that it kept you on the edge of your seat until you leaped off your couch.

Katie Ledecky celebrates in pool after winning a race, wearing a swim cap with the American flag and "Ledecky" printed on the side, and a swimsuit

Or perhaps you have been alive long enough to witness a moment so special that it rocked the entire world.

Jesse Owens saluting after winning in the Olympics
Olympics / youtube.com

Whatever the moment, tell me about it and what made it so special to you. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post! If you prefer to stay anonymous, fill out this Google form here.