Patio expert shares simple 'magic' hack to remove paving weeds in 'minutes'

Grass and weeds growing through cracks in patio
Grass and weeds growing through cracks in patio -Credit:(Image: Getty)

Weeds can be a real eyesore, particularly when they invade your patio or gravelled areas, much like moss does in gardens. Garden lovers have shared countless hacks to get rid of these pesky plants, but there's always the risk that the chemicals used could harm your garden's ecosystem, patio, or even your favourite plants.

One commonly suggested tip is to use white vinegar as a weed killer. However, Simon Wardle, a patio expert at Armstrong Cheshire, has warned against this: "This is not always advisable, as the acid can damage the surface of the stones, particularly limestone or concrete pavers, as well as being harmful to wildlife and plants."

Instead, Simon has a handy trick up his sleeve that's perfect for us Brits who love a hot drink - using boiling water from your kettle as the "perfect solution".

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Whether you're dealing with mature weeds or new growth, Simon assures that this simple trick "will remove unsightly weeds from your patio this summer - for free", reports the Express.

Simon explained further: "This targeted method not only means your patio will end up weed-free, but it ensures there's no damage to your patio, or the environment, as there is no leftover residue left around."

"You should start to see results in minutes as the boiling water breaks down the weed - with full results in hours."

To try out this hack, simply fill your kettle with water and let it boil completely.

Take your sealed kettle to the patio, getting as close to the weeds as you can, and slowly soak the weed through the spout.

Gardeners are advised by Simon to "wait for the magic to happen" since results can be seen "in minutes". It's recommended to repeat this process at the earliest appearance of any future weeds.

So, what makes this hack so effective?

The hot water "scalds the weeds by killing the leaves", the part of the plant that absorbs light to help it grow and stay strong. According to experts, the hot water can also seep into various cracks, helping dislodge and stun the taproot.

Whilst this method is effective for patio, driveway, and gravel weeds, gardeners are warned not to use boiling water in two areas.

Garden enthusiasts were urged by Simon not to use boiling water on lawn weeds because it "will kill" them. Repeated exposure to high temperatures often strip away protective layers from leaves and can even impact their roots.

Gardeners should also steer clear of pouring the mixture on weeds near other garden plants so as not to damage other plants it comes into contact with, especially if they're still young.