Peeping Tom Spared Jail Over Olympic Swimmers

A man who spied on female members of the Chinese Olympic swimming team as they were getting changed has been told he may be spared jail.

Declan Crosbie was reported by a woman who saw him entering the changing room at a sports centre in Leeds.

He was then seen peering over the top of cubicles as members of the team were getting undressed.

The Chinese, who were training at the pool ahead of the London 2012 Olympics, complained to staff who went to investigate.

Crosbie, 25, hid in a cubicle and when asked questions replied in a high-pitched voice, pretending to be a woman.

When he finally emerged he begged staff not to call the police before running off.

Crosbie, from Leeds, later handed himself in and pleaded guilty to trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence.

A court heard Crosbie was jailed for three years in 2009 after trespassing in a private home and being found standing over a sleeping student, whose trousers had been pulled down.

He also has convictions for voyeurism in 2005 and 2006.

The Recorder of Leeds, Judge Peter Collier QC, ordered him to be assessed before he is sentenced next month.

He was told Crosbie should have entered a sex offenders' programme while in prison but was never given a place.

"It seems then that the most important thing that I can do for the public is try to ensure you do receive the treatment that you need," the judge responded.

He said a three-year community order, involving a period of residence in a bail hostel and participation in a sex offenders' treatment programme, would be more appropriate than another period in jail.