Pelican Eel Seen Just After Eating in Costa Rica Deep Dive

A team of researchers working off the coast of Costa Rica spotted a pelican eel that had “very recently eaten” while performing a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) dive on June 20.

Footage from the Schmidt Ocean Institute shows the eel with a large bulge near its front.

The institute said the eel, which they said had “VERY recently eaten”, was spotted during Dive 542 of ROV SuBastian at a depth of around 2,090 meters.

“Saccopharynx ampullaceus are also known as ‘pelican eels’ for the ability to expand their throat and stomach into a massive, balloon-like scoop to swallow up squid or swarm of shrimp,” the institute wrote.

“This is the first time we believe anyone has had an encounter so soon after a meal,” they added. Credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute via Storyful

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