Pentagon Chief Warns That New Robot Weapons Could Be ‘Like Terminator’

Pentagon chiefs have warned that the world is entering an ‘arms race’ for robotic weapons - and the result could be machines like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator.

Air Force General Paul Selva, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the US Defense Department, has warned that technology could lead to, ‘Robotic systems to do lethal harm… a Terminator without a conscience.’

Selva says that the key to retaining control is to ensure machines cannot decide to kill on their own behalf - and that a human must always be ‘in the loop’.

Human Rights Watch warn that Terminator-style robots - which can ‘decide’ to kill - will be feasible in decades.

Human Rights Watch has claimed that several governments are working on the technology.

The organisation has warned that autonomous weapon - or ‘killer robot’ - technology could lead to worse atrocities than in any previous war.

‘No accountability means no deterrence of future crimes, no retribution for victims, no social condemnation of the responsible party,’ said Bonnie Docherty of Human Rights Watch.

This summer, a Pentagon report warned that autonomous weapons systems are evolving rapidly.

A Defense Science Board study said, ‘This study concluded that DoD must accelerate its exploitation of autonomy - both to realize the potential military value and to remain ahead of adversaries who also will exploit its operational benefits.’