People from across the UK object to revised plans for zoo in Cheshire village

More than 120 people have objected to revised plans for a zoo and wildlife conservation park near Holmes Chapel.

Cheshire East Council refused a similar application for land at The Orchards Farm (Bidlea Dairy) on Twemlow Lane, in March last year.

The reasons for refusal were the proposed development would result in encroachment into the open countryside through development of open land and cause harm to its character and appearance and it would remove the existing open character and appearance of the site from the surrounding area.

This latest application from Zoo2U has been submitted to address those matters.

The proposal is for a zoo and wildlife conservation park including amenity buildings, visitor centre, animal enclosures, storage containers, access, parking and ancillary works.

A design and access statement submitted by Richard Lee Project Planning on behalf of the applicant states: “The applicants have over 30 years of relevant industry experience, having established their first business (Zoo2U) 11 years ago as an ‘animal encounters’ business with the aim to educate people about the natural world and the importance of conservation…

“Feedback from residents in the local surrounding areas has also been collected and is very positive.”

It says during a Zoo2U open day, 338 visitors signed a form in support of the creation of Holmes Chapel Zoo.

A planning statement submitted on behalf of the applicant adds:

“It has been demonstrated that the proposal will have little impact upon the character, significance and setting of the designated heritage asset and is also policy compliant.

“It delivers a visitor facility that has been sensitively designed to respond to its rural context.

“It develops the site in a viable, positive and appropriate manner.”

It lists the benefits of the proposal as:

  • generating employment opportunities;

  • complementing and supporting CEC’s tourism plan;

  • providing support to local businesses;

  • assisting the diversification of the farm;

  • delivering enhanced biodiversity net gain and landscape enhancement;

  • providing enhanced education of conservation opportunities for local schools and visitors.

But the application has also received a number of objections.

At the time of writing, 125 emails have been sent to the council from residents in Cheshire East as well as addresses as far afield as Grimsby and Exeter. All state their opposition to zoos.

Several of the objectors emailed the same lengthy letter of objection to the council.

In it they said: “This application, with all its threat to the countryside and its natural wildlife, should be refused and there is growing precedent to reject applications of this type…

“We urge Cheshire East Council to seriously consider both the practical and ethical impacts of allowing a zoo to expand in an area that will be harmed by it, and a society that has no need for it.”

A Macclesfield resident wrote: “Animals are not for human pleasure and should not be locked up in a zoo thousands of miles away from their natural habitat.”

A Crewe resident wrote: “As a resident in Cheshire East, I am dismayed at the idea of bringing non- indigenous species from their own natural home, incarcerating them, and transporting them into an area which naturally has a wide variety of natural species already present for people to enjoy.”

A Holmes Chapel resident objected saying: “Zoos are horrific places for animals.”

He also raised concerns about traffic for local residents.

The application, number 24/1108C, can be viewed on the planning portal on Cheshire East Council’s website.

The last date for submitting comments is April 24 and the application is due to be determined by a planning officer under delegated authority.

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