People who have a lawn warned to follow little-known 'five week' rule

People who have a garden have been warned to follow a five-week rule. Keen gardeners have been instructed by Canadian broadcaster Roz Weston who has moved to share his nifty tricks, tips and hacks via a video posted to his TikTok channel.

"WANT THIS LAWN?" he asked. "Five week lawn renovation in four and a half minutes. I get this question all the time - like ALL the time. Obviously you don't have to follow all the steps but this is probably where you want to end up.

"So go slow, make a plan, enjoy it. If you have any questions just drop them in the comments section." Roz says you need to mow your lawn and cut it really short down to the ground to begin with, as he outlined the five-step process.

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"Don't worry, your grass is going to be fine, it loves this," he said, reassuring viewers. Then you need to aerate your lawn - and if you don't have an aerator you can simply use a garden fork, the gardening expert, who has gone viral on TikTok, says.

"You want the grass to stand up through the sand, so keep working it in," he explained, adding if you have sprinklers this is the time to get them to work. Yu need to pour grass seed all over your lawn to encourage new growth, before adding a layer of peat moss, he also said.

He then waters the lawn and lays down a layer of fertiliser. "It's a lot of work, but it's so worth it," he said. TikTok users seemed to agree as they took to the comments to give their opinions. One person said: "Good work brother. Looks awesome".

Another added: "Well done man, it’s beautiful," while a third commented: "As a lawn care technician, I approve". Someone else said: "This is beautiful".