People Are Sharing The TV Storylines They Wish Had Never Happened

Do you remember when Mike died from Desperate Housewives? How about when you found that Gossip Girl was in fact, Dan Humphrey? Or when Wes was killed off How To Get Away With Murder? And the brief period of time when Rachel and Joey from Friends tried to be a thing, ew.

A thread on Twitter is going viral after asking this simple but controversial question: “If you could erase any storyline from these TV Shows/Movies, which storyline would you get rid of?”

Nothing can replace our favourite TV show, but we can all admit there were a few storylines that should have never made it to our screens.

But I guess that’s what also makes these shows brilliant – some of these stories were insane but we still loved these TV shows either way.

The thread is causing a few debates but nevertheless, it’s reminding us why these TV shows still hold a special place in our hearts. Here are the storylines we wish never happened.

Desperate Housewives

Sex And The City

Jane The Virgin


Gossip Girl
