'People say it's strange that I breastfeed my six year old - but she never gets a cold'

Sanziana and kid
-Credit: (Image: Jam Press)

A mum who breastfed her daughter until she was six has hit back at critics, saying she finds their criticism "strange". Sanziana Buruiana, a parenting influencer, opened up about her unique approach to motherhood on a podcast.

The 40 year old is still breastfeeding her three year old daughter Antonia and only recently stopped breastfeeding her eldest, Izabela, when she turned six, as reported by What's The Jam. "I don't stop, I give them until they want to stop," said the former television assistant from Romania, defending her unconventional parenting style.

"There is nothing to cause harm to them, they are both fine," she insisted. "I find it strange everyone asks me about breastfeeding. No matter what I'm doing people will ask me. It seems normal to me."

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Sanziana explained that her main motivation is ensuring her children have robust immune systems.

She added: "They will be strong and healthy. It is quite a long time to feed, especially since my second girl arrived and I continued to do so without stopping. There was no break, so when you add up the years it seems like a lot. But they are happy, have good immunity, and don't catch colds. I think it helps them.", reports the Daily Record.

While the benefits of breastfeeding are often debated, the NHS states that breastfeeding has long-term benefits for babies, lasting into adulthood.

The NHS emphasises that any quantity of breast milk can have beneficial effects, and that the longer breastfeeding is continued, the longer its protective qualities last and the more advantageous it becomes.

Sanziana, a mother of two, shared she breastfed her daughter, Izabela, until she started attending school.

Commenting on her experiences with breastfeeding, Sanziana said: "With the boob, if they have a problem or are in pain, they immediately calm down."

She added: "I think it is like a bandage for them, a relief. I couldn't imagine what it would've been like if I hadn't breastfed them. It would have been even harder to put them to sleep! ".

For the initial six months (about 26 weeks) of a child's life, the NHS recommends exclusive breastfeeding.

Post this period, they suggest supplementing breast milk with solid foods for as long as the mother and baby desire, stating this helps in healthy growth and development.

According to the NHS, breast milk evolves as your baby grows to meet their changing needs. However, the impact of prolonging breastfeeding over years remains ambiguous.