People told me to try it but now I have only got myself to blame

Megan outside Homebaked Bakery
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

I've only got myself to blame for the very real craving I now have, after trying Scouse but not the traditional way.

Sat just metres from Anfield, outside the much talked about Homebaked Bakery, I tucked into the homemade delicacy that I've heard so much about. The dish included potatoes, carrots, onions and hearty chunks of beef, covered in homemade pastry.

And for those who don't know what I'm talking about it's called Scouse pie - albeit not quite the traditional Scouse but this pie has made me crave the real thing.

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Since moving to Liverpool from the North East everyone has said to me it's a must try recipe. I've heard my friends recite their mum's and nan's recipe of Scouse, watched them look completely content when they speak of the family dish, and get all excited when they learn I am yet to try it.

It clearly is a traditional dish in any Scouser's home, and if I'm going to be staying here for the foreseeable then it's about time I tried it.

The venture came with my first ever trip to Anfield. Sadly, I wasn't there to watch the Reds - my trip came as Taylor Swift visited the city for three nights last month - and the whole atmosphere around Anfield was buzzing.

It made me feel so wholesome to be experiencing how so many Scouser's feel, by being in the presence of Anfield stadium. And, it was just up the road, where my 'journey to Scouse' began.

It definitely won't be my last Scouse
It definitely won't be my last Scouse, I want the real thing now -Credit:Megan Banner

I'm told, Homebaked Bakery, just up from Anfield on Oakfield Road, is a must visit when on a trip to the ground, so of course I headed straight there.

Inside the bakery was booming with Taylor Swift fans, dressed head to toe in sequins - which I found rather amusing, I bet the dress code was slightly different on match days.

Now I know that the traditional Scouse is a stew but I thought it only right to do as the football fans do, and I opted for a Scouse pie to ease me in. After a short queue I was handed a foil dish, filled with my very first Scouse pie, which at £4 I thought was also a complete bargain.

The excitement to delve into this hearty pie was unbelievable, the moment had been built up to me so much over the past couple of months and finally it was here.

Let me tell you, I was not disappointed. When it comes to food the city really knows what they're talking about, from your Chinese chippies to this, it just felt homely - and the fact it was freezing cold, wet, and miserable outside really added to the need for a hearty meal in that moment.

The pie itself was stuffed to the max with veg and chunks of beef, absolutely divine if you ask me. I sat on the bench outside Homebaked, watching the world go by - well by the world I mean glittered up Switfties, who were queuing in the rain to watch their superstar perform - and in that moment I felt content, is that just what Scouse does to you?

For those of you out there who haven't yet tried this delicacy yet I'm telling you, you must, there is just something about it. I think for me it's the fact that there clearly is just so much love around this dish, it's up there with the passion us Teessiders have for our Parmo (now please if you haven't had one of those, try one).

I just love the idea that the family recipe of a Scouse has been passed down through the generations across the city, and I love how happy you all get when you're talking about it. I can see the glimpse of a smile on your faces while you tell me about the dish, as you're remembering special family moments you've shared over the meal.

I feel like it genuinely is something that brings families across Liverpool together, as silly as it may sound but it's lovely! Maybe it was just the atmosphere of the setting I was in, but there was just something so 10/10 about it. It definitely won't be my last.

And now I am totally craving the real deal. I'll be sure to let you know my verdict.

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