People's Postcode Lottery winner who won £83,000 'waiting' for ITV duo to ruin it

A People's Postcode Lottery winner who landed £83,000 in the jackpot says she thought it was an Ant and Dec prank. Georgina Riley, 39, said she almost fainted when she found out her Nottingham street were winners in the draw.

She said: "It feels surreal. I was waiting for Ant and Dec to leap out and say that this isn’t real. I changed my outfit four times this morning, I haven’t eaten anything and I almost fainted on the doorstep. Then I realised I hadn’t done my nails. It’s all been very stressful.”

Georgina, her husband Paul, 41 and their two children will be able to afford to go up the Burj Khalifa, in the United Arab Emirates. They also plan swim with dolphins and dine in a Michelin restaurant on their upcoming holiday to Dubai.

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11 residents on Violet Avenue in Nottingham's Newthorpe won the lottery, with one neighbour taking home £166,666 after buying two tickets. Dian Westley, 56, said: "The first thing I bought for my husband when I knew I had won was a dryrobe. It’s overwhelming, unbelievable.

"I can’t take it all in. I’d like to go to Walt Disney World in Florida again. I’d like to do it with the whole family, it’s one of my dreams." Janice Noon, 72, said after the huge win: “I’m still in shock, my heart’s going! But it’s nice…a lovely feeling.

"The cheque will be framed and is going up in the toilet. It’s brilliant to win with our neighbours, it’s a brilliant community. The champagne is already on ice." Money from the Violet Drive prize pot also went to local charities.

Home Start Nottingham, a charity which helps struggling families in the East Midlands, got £60,000, as did Citizens Advice Broxtowe. Broxtowe Women's Project got £50,000 and Age Concern Eastwood got £20,000 as well.